Serviciile de asistenţă telefonică şi cel de operare vor fi indisponibile în perioada 31 ianuarie - 2 februarie. Comenzile plasate în perioada 29 ianuarie, ora 15 - 2 februarie vor fi procesate începând cu 3 februarie. Vă mulţumim!
Biomega (バイオメガ) is a cyberpunk action manga by Tsutomu Nihei. Biomega contains references to Blame!, Nihei's previous work. This is a standalone storyline and does not have direct connections to his other works such as Blame! Set in the future, the plot follows Zoichi Kanoe and his AI companion Fuyu Kanoe, whose luminous form is integrated into the system of his motorcycle. They are agents sent by TOA Heavy Industries to retrieve humans with the ability to resist and transmute the N5S infection, which is spreading across the world, turning humans into "Drones"; disfigured, zombie-like beings.
Writer and Illustrator:
Tsutomu Nihei (born 1971) is a Japanese manga artist. His cyberpunk-influenced artwork has gained a strong cult following. He has a relatively large community of fans in Germany where his manga Blame!, NOiSE and Biomega were published.
Genre: Seinen, science fiction, cyberpunk, action
Age: 17+