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      Gestalt (超獣伝説ゲシュタルト) is an 8-volume fantasy manga series by Yun Kōga and published by Square Enix and later by Ichijinsha that later spawned a two episode OVA series. The story circulates around a mysterious and dangerous island referred to simply as "G". A long time ago, a powerful god named Gestalt was banished to the earth and he had found refuge in the island known as G. To utter the name for which it stands is forbidden, for people were so afraid of the wrath of the god that they considered his name a curse. Father Olivier is a priest who has left his order and traveled to the island of G in order to discover the truth behind it. He ends up making the acquaintance of a young girl named Ohri, who turns out to be quite adept in magic.

      Writer and Illustrator:Risa Yamada (山田 理沙) better known by the pen name Yun Kōga (高河 ゆん) is a female Japanese manga artist.

      Genre: Comedy, Fantasy

      Age: 16+


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