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      Serviciile de asistenţă telefonică şi cel de operare vor fi indisponibile în perioada 12-14 octombrie. Comenzile plasate în perioada 11 octombrie, ora 16 - 14 octombrie vor fi procesate începând cu 15 octombrie. Vă mulţumim!

      High School Debut

      High School Debut (高校デビュー) is a shojo romantic comedy manga by Kazune Kawahara. The series follows the relationship between Haruna Nagashima, an enthusiastic former softball star, and Yoh Komiyama, the cool boy she convinces to coach her in romance. It has been praised by reviewers as a standard shojo manga premise made highly entertaining by Kawahara's handling of the characters, particularly the romantic leads, and artwork.

      Writer and Illustrator:
      Kazune Kawahara is a Japanese manga artist who is best known for creating the romantic comedy shōjo manga High School Debut.

      Genre: Shojo, slash of life, drama, romantic comedy

      Recommanded age: 13+

      High School Debut

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