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      Raftul Ensight Management Consulting

      You probably never thought about it but what we do every day, whatever fills our time and life will determine not just our present but also our future and, eventually, our identity. Surely we are the sum of our experiences but, in equal measure, we are what we read. Those books that we read in the childhood have inspired us and built our present, the books we are reading in our mature years will undoubtedly build our future. ‘The Ensight Shelf’ is a selection of books written by intelligent people that deserves to influences and shape your life. There are some of the latest and most important business and economy books recommended by the consultants of the local leader of the Romanian management consulting market, Ensight Management Consulting. If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

      Raftul Ensight Management Consulting

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